- Communication
- Studio Prices
- Payment & Refund Policies
- Safety Policies
- Viewing Window
- Arrival & Departure
- Attendance
- Tardiness
- Lost & Found
- Illness
- Student & Parent Use of Social Media
- Weather Policy
- Recital Policy
- Holiday Schedule
- Extended Learning Opportunity (ELO)
I know we all receive many emails, but ADA has communication about your child’s activities and this is our method of choice. We are not responsible if you change your email, address or phone without updating us. We thank you for choosing us and want to do the best we can. Please help us by checking emails!
Studio Prices
There is a nonrefundable $20 registration fee per student for all classes.
Multi-class and sibling discounts will be applied.
Classes are September – June, and monthly payments are based on a dance-year tuition (10 months.)
Class Length | Cost Per Month |
30 Minutes | $44/month |
40 Minutes | $44/month |
45 Minutes | $44/month |
50 Minutes | $47/month |
60 Minutes | $47/month |
75 Minutes | $47/month |
90 Minutes | $49/month |
Payment & Refund Policies
- Nonrefundable $20 registration fee per student
- Multi-class and sibling discounts will be applied
- Payments are due by the 7th of each month.
- Payments received after the 7th will incur a late fee of $10 per month late.
- Payments received after the 15th of the month will incur an addition $5 (total $15).
- Payments that are greater than 1 month late will be a late fee of $30 total.
- A $25 fee for returned checks.
- Payments can be made in cash (in an envelope with the student(s) name) or by check made payable to Alton Dance Academy. Please have the students name on the check.
- There is a tuition drop box in the lobby and a secure drop box on the outside of the Boutique door to drop off 24/7!
- You may also mail payments to: P.O. Box 261 Alton, NH 03809
- Credit cards are accepted on site during business hours. On the website with transaction fee. Or over the phone with a $2 fee.
- Business Hours for accepting payments are Monday – Thursday: 3:15PM – 6:30PM and Saturday 9AM – 11AM
- There are no refunds for missed classes. You may attend another class to make-up the missed class.
- Failure to keep your account up to date will result in suspension of classes.
- The dress code is for the safety of all children and adults dancing. We need to see your muscles and their movements. You can learn more about our dress codes here. Please send your child to dance with the proper attire.
- Students cannot participate in the clothes they went to school in. This is for cleanliness and safety.
- NO COSTUMES PLEASE- they are meant for the stage, not for class use. Under the age of 6 tutu’s are permitted.
- No Running inside the studio.
- Use of the school telephone is limited to emergencies only.
- Parents and students should never interrupt a class in session.
- We love babies and young children and appreciate the chance to meet our students’ siblings. However, our priority is the safety of every child on the school premises. Children must be supervised at all times and are not free to run around the lobby or classroom areas. Keep loud noises to a minimum- it is distracting to the teacher as well as the students.
- Water is the only drink allowed in the studio. Please dispose of the bottles in their proper places.
- As always, NO smoking, NO gum and NO food are allowed inside the studio.
- All students must show respect for their teachers at all times. Inappropriate behavior could result in dismissal from the school.
- The teacher decides upon placement of students. Students may belong in a class other than what they originally register for due to age, muscle structure, and technical ability. Thank you for your cooperation. We want the best for your dancer. PLEASE NOTE: It is common for a child to spend a year or two in the same level. I, nor my staff, is willing to compromise this. We place children for their safety.
- All communication should go through the Alton Dance Academy’s office.
Viewing Window
While it is fun to watch your children learn and explore the world of dance please remember that this is their time inside the studio. No knocking on the windows or distractions of any type will be tolerated. All noise must be kept at a minimum. We thank-you for understanding how important this is to us.
Arrival & Departure
We encourage students to arrive 10 minutes before class starts. For their safety, children under age 10 should be picked up immediately after class. Students ages 10 and older must be picked up no more than 15 minutes after their class is completed.
All students are expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes. Each class offers a step forward in the educational process. A missed class could leave a child one step behind the other students. During the months of February through April, choreography for the recital will be taught and rehearsed. It is important for children to feel completely confident with the choreography and the year-end performance. Missing class during this period could result in frustration for the students and their teachers and classmates.
Dance is a physical activity that requires the body to be warmed up in order to execute movement safely. Late students miss the proper warm-up and/or barre and therefore may sustain injury. Students who arrive more than 10 minutes late may be asked to observe class for reasons of personal safety.
Lost & Found
Please mark all dancewear, shoes, and personal items with your child’s name. We will make every effort to locate and return lost items; however, we cannot be responsible for any items that your child brings to class.
Infection Control
Colds, flu, and other contagious diseases occur frequently and spread easily among children. To help protect your own child’s health and to minimize the possibility of contagion at school, please keep your child at home if you observe any of the following symptoms:
- Nasal discharge that is green or yellow
- Complaints of ear pain
- Consistent cough
- Severe sore throat
- Eyes that are pink, burning, itching, or producing discharge
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Fevers
If these symptoms or other conditions deemed contagious are observed in your child during a class, you will be called to pick up your child immediately.
When your child has a fever, please keep him/her at home until the temperature returns to normal. If there are any lingering signs of illness, such as glassy or watery eyes, listlessness, and drowsiness, please keep your child at home. This will help to ensure that the illness has passed and that your child will be well enough to resume class activities the following week.
Student & Parent Use of Social Media
Use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogging, and other online social-media vehicles is commonplace. This policy is intended to provide Alton Dance Academy students and parents with guidelines to eliminate any confusion concerning the use of social media.
- Students and parents should neither claim nor imply that they are speaking on behalf of Alton Dance Academy.
- Never post anything that could compromise the self-esteem of students who attend Alton Dance Academy.
- If you post videos of class or rehearsals, don’t post any choreography in its entirety; Alton Dance Academy owns the copyright to all choreography taught at the school.
- Respect the law, including those laws governing defamation, discrimination, harassment, and copyright and fair use. As stated in this handbook, parents and students should never post negative comments about other schools or teachers. Also, please do not post negative comments about school activities such as conventions, and performances or about the directors of those events.
- Ensure that your social networking conduct is consistent with all of the policies contained in this handbook.
Weather Policy
- SNOW DAYS: Even if school has been cancelled classes may still be held if the roads are safe by the afternoon. Also, If the weather is quickly deteriorating the travel conditions, we may end classes early.
- Any snow days can be made up in another class.
- If a class is missed repeatedly due to severe weather, a make-up may be scheduled during a vacation.
- E-mail and our Facebook page are the primary sources of notice for class cancellations. If you do not receive an email message about cancellation then WE ARE OPEN FOR CLASSES.
Costume Policy
- Costume deposit(s) ($50/class) are due by November 1st. Accounts must be up to date with tuition to apply money toward costume deposits.
- The remaining payment will be due the week of January 15th.
- Please let me know as soon as possible if your child will not be performing as the payment is non-refundable.
- Costumes are bought outright by ADA, you are responsible for paying the balance.
- Costumes are non refundable under any circumstance.
- The initial payment is due 11/1 and the balance will be mid-january.
- I try my very best to find the most affordable costumes. If costumes balances are unpaid you will not receive them. Most balances range from $25-$40 Depending on size and material.
- Recital date is To Be Determined.
- Tickets for the recital will be sold in June.
Holiday Schedule 2024-2025
There will be no classes on the following dates:
- THANKSGIVING BREAK : Nov. 26 – Dec. 1
- CHRISTMAS BREAK: Dec. 22 – Jan 1
- FEBRUARY VACATION: Feb. 23 – March 2
- APRIL VACATION: April 27 – May 4
- RECITAL – June 20 & 21
Extended Learning Opportunity (ELO)
Prospect Mountain High School’s (PMHS) Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs) are designed to provide students with a range of personalized learning opportunities that go beyond the conventional classroom curriculum. These programs strive to cultivate a passion for learning, foster personal development, and equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their future academic and professional lives. ELOs offer students the opportunity to pursue their interests, acquire new skills, and participate in hands-on learning activities.
Alton Dance Academy (ADA) is proud to partner with PMHS to provide a Dance Education ELO. The ADA requires all participants to conduct themselves with respect, dignity, and courtesy. The ultimate objective is not only the development of a strong dancer through healthy habits, but also the development of self-reliance, open-mindedness, and supportive collaboration, all of which contribute to the development of a good human being. Examples of such values include helping others with their choreography, demonstrating kindness outside while awaiting class, asking pertinent questions, and enabling laughter and enjoyment.